Wednesday, February 25, 2009


While I was reading other blogs, I noticed a wide variety of topics. Some of my classmates have written on the same topics as me, but others have expanded and included outside sources to comment and blog their own thoughts on. By doing this read around exercise, I’ve learned a little bit more about other people’s interests and more about Native Americans in general.

Comments on other people’s blogs.
i have to admit, i'm surprised that a TESOL book should have references to the Native American culture. I think it's b/c i just assumed Native Americans could already speak English, and wouldn't have to be taught how to speak it. Although on the other hand, you had mentioned that your class had talked about American Indian Studies being a newly developed field. I find that also interesting b/c I would think that field would already have been researched. The argument could really go either way.
I absolutely loved the little house on the prairie books. So, when i read Debbie Reese's blogs, i was kind of taken aback by her directness. Each character has their own personality and that creates the epic story. B/c it is also autobiographical, there are certain elements that cannot be removed from the novel b/c it was a true event. Although, i'm sure these books did lead readers into misconceptions, the overall feeling is still present during the interactions.
I completely agree with your argument on gender roles. I would think the Deydey would have been more than willing to help out his wife when he got back from trading b/c there was sooooo much work to be done. The mother was not only overseeing all the preperation for winter, but she was also taking care of all the children,the most annoying being Pinch. Even at the end of the movie, i didn't see Pinch redeeming himself. I think he will grow up to be one of the laziest male indians that tribe will ever see.

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